Episode 13
Harry Potter and the Chamber Of Secrets Chapters 13-15: Murdered Myrtle
Kevin, Natasha, Chantae, and CJ tackle the finally figuring out how how Hagrid ended up in the Chamber of Secrets situation and Myrtle’s death.
We discuss the fact that it took a minute for them to finally investigate the death of Moaning Myrtle.
Welcome to justice for Dean Thomas, a podcast to find justice for the characters and things found in the wizarding world, but from our perspective.
Speaker A:I am your host, Kevin G.
Speaker A:And I'm here with cj, Shantay, Natasha.
Speaker A:What is going on, guys?
Speaker B:What up?
Speaker C:Yo, yo, yo.
Speaker A:Hola.
Speaker A:Good to see y'all.
Speaker A:Good to see y'all.
Speaker A:Before we get into it, make sure you guys follow us at justice for DT Pod on all social media platforms.
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Speaker A:We're on Facebook under Justice for Dean Thomas, our Justice for D Pod.
Speaker A:If you put that under Facebook, backslash.
Speaker A:Justice for DT Pod.
Speaker A:Those are where we're at, guys.
Speaker A:We're coming to the end of this book.
Speaker B:We are near.
Speaker B:We're so close.
Speaker B:We can see the horizon.
Speaker A:It's right here in our grasp.
Speaker A:And you feel it in these chapters.
Speaker A:I'm not gonna sit here and lie to you, because there's, like, a big finale.
Speaker A:But then before that, we get these chapters that we read today, which is.
Speaker C:You know, this book is like.
Speaker C:It's like Game of Thrones, where the.
Speaker C:The early seasons, it was a lot of just, like, people walking around, walking, taking forever to get to places.
Speaker C:And then these last few chapters, it's the sprint at the end.
Speaker B:Oh, yeah.
Speaker C:It's season seven and season eight, where it's just like, okay, when it took you two seasons to walk across Westeros before, you can now do it in two episodes.
Speaker B:Right?
Speaker A:Hashtag pacing.
Speaker A:You know what I'm saying?
Speaker B:I think it's hashtag editing.
Speaker B:Maybe some of these chapters didn't need to be here.
Speaker A:Just saying, yeah, you know, some of these could have been an email, you know what I'm saying?
Speaker D:And it was a meeting.
Speaker D:That could have been an email.
Speaker A:Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker B:Beautiful.
Speaker B:I.
Speaker B:I will say, reading these three, I was just like, all right.
Speaker B:And I think she's trying to show the passage of time, but also thinking about things that are happening.
Speaker B:If it's too much time, it doesn't make sense.
Speaker B:And so I.
Speaker B:I do feel like there are parts here that are a little, like, off.
Speaker A:Yeah, I agree.
Speaker A:And then I felt like we did this also in the first book.
Speaker A:Like, we.
Speaker A:As we get to the climax of the book, it's like, okay, before we do that, here's a couple of things real fast.
Speaker A:Read these real fast, because I have a page count I got to do.
Speaker A:And then here, the pages.
Speaker B:I feel like she's trying to make it align with the academic year.
Speaker B:Right?
Speaker B:Like, you got to make it to the end of the year to figure out what happens.
Speaker B:It takes them all year to do it.
Speaker B:Like.
Speaker B:Like, why couldn't they figure it out at Christmas break and then have the rest of the year to just chill?
Speaker D:And that's always the cadence of the books, though.
Speaker D:It's always to the end of the school year.
Speaker D:But also, you know, she's world building people.
Speaker D:Like, it's a whole new world we don't know anything about.
Speaker D:We have to learn all the ins and outs and all the different, you know, nooks and crannies of it.
Speaker D:So, you know, she needs some pages.
Speaker C:And also, Harry's doing all his detective work, and he's got billable hours.
Speaker B:Harry's doing detective work?
Speaker B:I think you mean Hermione's doing detective.
Speaker A:No, no.
Speaker A:In these chapters, Harry does some detective work because we know run ain't good.
Speaker B:Harry does a little bit of work and.
Speaker A:And we're going to talk about that one.
Speaker A:I.
Speaker A:I have one question, because I know we're not going to go deep on it.
Speaker A:Do the kids play three Quidditch matches a year?
Speaker A:Are they only playing these teams once?
Speaker B:Well, don't they.
Speaker B:Don't they play Slytherin twice?
Speaker B:Or they're supposed to or something in one of the.
Speaker B:Am I misremembering that?
Speaker A:I don't know.
Speaker C:No, it seems like they play one house once a season.
Speaker C:So it sounds like there's like, one Quidditch match a month for them to get all of the games out.
Speaker B:They should play each house twice, at least.
Speaker A:You would think.
Speaker B:Yeah, that's four months.
Speaker B:So they.
Speaker B:They don't start to, like, fallish.
Speaker B:And then they.
Speaker B:They kind of space them out.
Speaker B:And then all of a sudden, it's spring and they're.
Speaker B:They're still Quidditching.
Speaker A:This is.
Speaker A:Quidditch is trash.
Speaker A:I mean, I'm just saying, like, it's in the book, is written trashly.
Speaker A:It being done at school is also stupid.
Speaker A:They should also have other sports that they play.
Speaker A:This is dumb.
Speaker A:But here we are.
Speaker A:I just know that they said that we're about to play Hufflepuff, and then we're gonna talk about it because there's more money on the line.
Speaker A:Oliver Wood is the only one that's worried about the money.
Speaker C:Yeah, even.
Speaker C:Even, like, deep pocket.
Speaker C:McGonagall's like, now's not the time, wood.
Speaker B:Yeah, now McGonagall learned from the first year, and she hedged her bet.
Speaker B:She's like, I'm good.
Speaker B:I'm covered.
Speaker B:I don't know about you, but take care of your business, let me take care of mine.
Speaker A:And we know how much Oliver was pushing for for them to win the House cup.
Speaker A:This or the Quidditch cup this year.
Speaker A:That was a big deal for him.
Speaker A:Obviously.
Speaker A:The money put on was huge.
Speaker A:And with Harry missing that last match last year, obviously the numbers were down.
Speaker A:So he got.
Speaker A:He got Gryffindor at great odds.
Speaker A:And so he's trying to make sure they win it here.
Speaker A:That's very obvious what he was doing doing here.
Speaker A:But before we get into that, Shantay, last episode we were chatting about what we talk about.
Speaker A:I forgot.
Speaker B:Last.
Speaker B:Yes, the last few episodes we got Polyjuice Potion.
Speaker B:We got a little bit information from that.
Speaker B:And Hermione ended up in the hospital wing because she used a cat hair instead of a human hair.
Speaker B:Yes.
Speaker A:Side note, we didn't talk about this too much.
Speaker A:When she snatched the hair from that.
Speaker B:Girl as she was in a headlock.
Speaker B:She was in a headlock.
Speaker B:This is how focused she is.
Speaker B:She's like, I gotta get a hair.
Speaker B:Here's my opportunity.
Speaker B:Oh, there goes one.
Speaker B:As I'm getting like my neck, my.
Speaker B:My breath cut off.
Speaker A:I didn't understand why during the headlock did she not just reach her hand up and rip the hair off the girl's head?
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker B:No one, no one would question that.
Speaker B:Hermione's not a fighter.
Speaker B:She's.
Speaker B:She's a.
Speaker B:She's a thinker.
Speaker B:She's not a fighter.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker C:She was like, oh, this is right here.
Speaker C:Okay, I'm done.
Speaker A:Well, that was a mistake.
Speaker A:And let that be a mistake.
Speaker A:Shantay, take us to it.
Speaker B:All right, so we're on chapter 13.
Speaker B:It starts off letting us know that Hermione was in the hospital for several weeks recovering from the Polyjuice Potion.
Speaker B:And when everyone came back from Christmas break, they all thought she had been petrified and she was another victim.
Speaker B:So everyone was trying to sneak up to the hospital wing to catch glimpses of her.
Speaker B:To the fact that Madam Madame Pomfrey, like, put up a little privacy curtain for her and she had Harry and Ron getting her homework for her every day.
Speaker B:Because she is Hermione.
Speaker D:Focus.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker B:Funny.
Speaker B:So as they come to visit her, and they visit her every day, and as she comes, Hermione asks them if they'd found any new leads.
Speaker B:And of course they haven't because she's the only one who does any work.
Speaker B:So this is a whole long stretch of time where nothing gets done because Hermione's on AR.
Speaker A:I mean, these kids are 12, and they're not necessarily focused.
Speaker A:And they're young boys.
Speaker A:These young boys, they're not focused.
Speaker A:Hermione drives the.
Speaker A:The engine that drives them to do things.
Speaker A:So they probably forgot that there was something going on.
Speaker A:Like, nobody's been petrified for a minute.
Speaker A:We get to just enjoy the next couple weeks.
Speaker A:Hermione's on the ir.
Speaker A:Let's go out here.
Speaker A:Let's just have some fun.
Speaker A:They've been basking in us in the sun yeah.
Speaker A:Been running around school all that is.
Speaker B:All you say is trash, trash, trash, trash, trash, trash.
Speaker C:Once again, an example of men weaponizing their incompetence.
Speaker B:Thank you.
Speaker B:Thank you.
Speaker B:That's all I'm saying.
Speaker B:That's all I'm saying.
Speaker B:Anyway, so as she's in there, she got to get well card from Gilderoy.
Speaker B:And they found it.
Speaker B:And she's like.
Speaker B:So she's still.
Speaker B:I mean, she got her little schoolgirl crush.
Speaker B:We all have.
Speaker B:We all have crushes on stupid dudes where, like, we look back later and go, what the fuck was I thinking?
Speaker B:And this is hers because, damn, she's holding on to it.
Speaker C:So you're not talking about Method man right now?
Speaker B:Oh, no, no, no.
Speaker B:That was not.
Speaker B:That's not a stupid question.
Speaker B:Not over.
Speaker B:It is not over.
Speaker A:Not over.
Speaker B:Lifelong Clifford called me.
Speaker B:Anyways, so they leave the hospital wing, and as they're walking by, they hear Filch fussing and about all the water that's coming out of Moaning Myrtle's bathroom.
Speaker B:And he's upset.
Speaker B:He's like, this is all this extra work?
Speaker B:How dare you?
Speaker B:So they go up to be like, what's going on?
Speaker B:Why is all this water coming out?
Speaker B:And they find Moaning Myrtle in there crying, and she's upset and she accuses them of throwing something at her.
Speaker B:And they're like, we just got here.
Speaker B:We didn't throw nothing at you.
Speaker B:And so she tells him she was chilling in the U bend and then something passed through her head.
Speaker B:And that something happened to be the diary, right?
Speaker B:Tom Riddle's diary.
Speaker B:Now, here's my.
Speaker B:Here's the thing that came to my mind.
Speaker B:How big are the pipes at Hogwarts?
Speaker B:How much constipation?
Speaker B:Like, I cannot fit a diary down my toilet.
Speaker B:So the fact that it goes in through the.
Speaker B:The ubit.
Speaker B:Like, are you kidding me?
Speaker B:And a basilisk has been running around in these pipes.
Speaker B:Why are the pipes so big?
Speaker B:Do wizards need fiber?
Speaker B:That's my question.
Speaker B:That's all I'm asking.
Speaker C:I've actually been thinking about this for a while.
Speaker C:So the reason the pipes are so big is because the wizards don't have any experience with indoor plumbing.
Speaker C:And all of their experience with poop came from vanishing spells.
Speaker C:So it would just be laying on the ground and then they would vanish it.
Speaker C:But it's in a pile.
Speaker C:So, like, if they got diarrhea, obviously it takes up more space.
Speaker C:So they just made the pipe as big as whatever their biggest logical pile is.
Speaker A:I'm not even going to touch that.
Speaker A:I wanted more talk about just like.
Speaker B:A pile of poop.
Speaker A:Yeah, I'm not going to touch that at all.
Speaker A:What I do want to talk about here is that no one comes and visits Morning Myrtle's bathroom, ever.
Speaker A:It's out of order for.
Speaker A:It's been out of order for 50 years.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:This is ridiculous.
Speaker B:No one goes because they don't like her.
Speaker B:And I should have.
Speaker B:They should have thought about that.
Speaker B:Like, who came in here?
Speaker A:Yes.
Speaker B:It wasn't us.
Speaker A:The fact that the boys go up there, they know where the water's coming from.
Speaker A:And she's like, you guys threw a book through me and probably think it's funny.
Speaker A:10 points through the torso, 50 through the head.
Speaker A:It's like, bro, nobody comes and sees you, ever.
Speaker A:You should just be happy somebody came through, let alone, like, whatever happened here.
Speaker A:You can walk.
Speaker A:You can.
Speaker A:Why are you staying up here in this bathroom?
Speaker B:That doesn't hurt you.
Speaker A:Correct.
Speaker A:You should have, like, followed that person out.
Speaker A:Like, you can move through the cabin.
Speaker A:You do not have to stay there when the seat belt lights on.
Speaker A:Do what you gotta do.
Speaker A:Like Moaning Myrtle.
Speaker A:I don't get it.
Speaker B:In addition, I don't get why they didn't consider that someone went in there after never having encountered anybody before.
Speaker B:Why didn't that ping in their minds is like, wait.
Speaker A:Ocean brewed for 30 days.
Speaker B:Thirty days, a whole month, and nobody noticed.
Speaker B:Why is someone all of a sudden going to this bathroom?
Speaker B:Why didn't that raise any of their.
Speaker A:This should be the first sign that something's going on up here.
Speaker A:But instead we just go, oh, Myrtle's upset.
Speaker A:There's a diary here.
Speaker A:Let's dive into this.
Speaker A:There should be more questions raised, right?
Speaker B:Well, that's because Hermione wasn't there.
Speaker B:Like I said, nothing happens when she's not there anyways.
Speaker B:So Harry goes immediately to pick up the diary.
Speaker B:Ron showing some scents.
Speaker B:See, Ron shows sense every once in a while.
Speaker B:He's like, dude, don't just touch that.
Speaker B:That could be anything.
Speaker B:It could kill you.
Speaker B:It could do this.
Speaker B:And, and Harry's like what?
Speaker B:And so Ron gives him several examples and Harry goes okay, I get your point, but we still need to figure this out.
Speaker B:So he picks it up.
Speaker A:Well, obviously here because diary came out of nowhere, down to nowhere.
Speaker A:There's a reason it's in here.
Speaker B:Some random person threw it there.
Speaker B:An air of Slytherins wandering around.
Speaker A:Well Ron said let's not open this thing up.
Speaker A:And he said anything could happen.
Speaker A:You like you have talked about they have done nothing.
Speaker A:With Hermione gone, Ron said let's go back to doing nothing.
Speaker A:Let's continue our doing nothing.
Speaker A:And then he even whispers, let's be safe.
Speaker B:And Harry goes, nah, let's throw this.
Speaker A:Through 50 points if you throw it through her head.
Speaker B:Hey, let's try to get it through a hit.
Speaker B:Ron is trash anyway, so.
Speaker B:Yes, so Harry actually does pick up the the diary and we see that it belongs to a TM Riddle.
Speaker B:Now we all know Tom Marvello Riddle is Voldemort's dead name.
Speaker B:They don't know this that, but Ron recognizes the name because when he had detention with Filch he had to polish all these, these trophies.
Speaker B:And one of them was given to this Tom Riddle Dude 50 years ago for special services to the school.
Speaker B:So they're like, hey, maybe we should look into this.
Speaker B:Harry opens the diary and it's blank.
Speaker B:There ain't nothing on it anywhere.
Speaker B:And he's like why is it up here if there's nothing on it?
Speaker B:Why even throw it away?
Speaker B:It's blank.
Speaker B:And they don't think, they don't think beyond that.
Speaker B:So.
Speaker A:But no, they do.
Speaker A:They do think of one thing, is the fact that it had like a Muggle.
Speaker B:Oh yes, Harry noticed it was made at a Muggle printers which makes him know, okay, this was a Muggle born person's book.
Speaker B:And so Ron's like no, let's try to get some points and throw to Myrtle's head.
Speaker B:But Harry decides to keep the journal and he's not sure why, he just knows he should keep this journal.
Speaker B:So Hermione gets out of the the hospital wing the first week of February.
Speaker B:So let's, let's do some math here.
Speaker B:They drank this Polyjuice potion on Christmas Day.
Speaker B:It is the first week of February and she just got out of the hospital.
Speaker B:That's a long time.
Speaker B:That's a long time to be laid up in the hospital turning back from a cat.
Speaker B:Like they don't have any magical accelerants or something?
Speaker A:Not for this thing.
Speaker A:You Know, I mean, the.
Speaker A:The Polyjuice Potion was not meant to turn people into animals.
Speaker A:That's what she said.
Speaker A:So just like the Skelegrove.
Speaker A:Some things just take a little bit of time.
Speaker C:They probably.
Speaker C:I mean, the tail probably had to shrink back.
Speaker B:Yeah, well, apparently they said the tail went first.
Speaker B:That's hilarious.
Speaker B:Anyway, so she comes out and they show her the diary.
Speaker B:And so they speculate about, you know, what it is, who.
Speaker B:How Tom Riddle might have gotten his award.
Speaker B:Ron actually gets it.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker B:He says that, oh, he's probably the one who killed Moaning Myrtle.
Speaker B:Which is correct.
Speaker B:He is the one who killed owning Myrtle.
Speaker B:But that's not what you're gonna feel.
Speaker A:Yep, Yep.
Speaker A:And that's what Ron said.
Speaker A:He just threw that out there.
Speaker A:That's not a real.
Speaker A:Like, I guess he just said something.
Speaker B:But he is correct.
Speaker C:But you can't name everything in the world and then say, oh, that was my idea.
Speaker A:Facts.
Speaker C:When.
Speaker C:When it was actually right.
Speaker A:Facts.
Speaker A:You can't just be saying stuff.
Speaker A:And then when it hits, you're like, I got that one.
Speaker A:You didn't.
Speaker A:You said a bunch of stuff.
Speaker B:You did it.
Speaker B:You didn't even know what.
Speaker B:You don't remember saying it.
Speaker C:These are the people that go out there and just register website names and.
Speaker B:They just sit on them and then they get rich.
Speaker B:I don't know.
Speaker B:Ron's gonna be rich.
Speaker A:Is Ron any different than those people?
Speaker A:Like, Ron is those people.
Speaker B:Ron is those people.
Speaker D:No, because he's not doing it.
Speaker D:Waiting for somebody to come by and offer him $5,000 for it, you know?
Speaker D:All right.
Speaker D:Always.
Speaker D:Me and Ron go together real bad.
Speaker C:No, Ron's always sitting there.
Speaker C:He's like, man, I got such good ideas.
Speaker C:Remember when I said this?
Speaker C:And they're like, you said literally everything, Ron.
Speaker B:You said everything.
Speaker B:Everything.
Speaker B:But here.
Speaker B:Here's something where that her, though, because he did say the Moaning Myrtle thing.
Speaker B:And they knew already that Moaning Myrtle had died 50 years ago.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker B:And Hermione should have made that connection.
Speaker B:Oh, morning Myrtle did die 50 years old.
Speaker B:Maybe we should ask her what was going on.
Speaker B:Even if they don't think that she was the one that was killed by the beast in the Chamber Secrets.
Speaker B:She.
Speaker B:They know.
Speaker B:She was around.
Speaker B:Why not ask her about it?
Speaker B:They're in that bathroom all the time.
Speaker B:They didn't think, hey, Moaning Myrtle, how was Hogwarts when you were here?
Speaker B:So this one I have to give Hermione and Aler.
Speaker B:She didn't.
Speaker B:She missed this connection anyway.
Speaker B:But she does make something useful.
Speaker B:She's like, hey, this happened.
Speaker B:He got this 50 years ago.
Speaker B:That's when the Chamber of Secrets was opened again.
Speaker B:He obviously did something that's connected to this.
Speaker B:So we need to figure it out.
Speaker B:And she also notices this journal is probably magic.
Speaker B:And none of the two wizards who had the journal for like a week before she comes out decided to try magic.
Speaker B:And she does magic because she's the only one who does magic.
Speaker B:And unfortunately it doesn't work.
Speaker B:But at least she tried.
Speaker B:Like they didn't try anything.
Speaker A:Harry knows like 30 spells.
Speaker A:Like I actually looked it up.
Speaker A:I looked it up.
Speaker A:Harry knows 80 spells probably.
Speaker A:And all the books that throw all the books.
Speaker A:I think he uses like 30 throughout all seven books.
Speaker A:Right?
Speaker C:Uses Valley Armis 97% of the time.
Speaker B:Oh yes, apparently.
Speaker A:I think, I think he used Expecto Patronus more.
Speaker A:According to the thing I was looking at earlier today.
Speaker B:I can't, I can't imagine.
Speaker B:I can't imagine he used Expecto Patronus more.
Speaker A:That's what, that's what the thing I was reading said.
Speaker A:And then this was like number two.
Speaker C:Because he doesn't use it that often though.
Speaker A:That's, that's.
Speaker A:I'm just telling you what I saw on the Internet.
Speaker D:You know, these things are kind of like youth specific, you know, you can't be walking around a body cadaver everybody, you know.
Speaker B:True.
Speaker B:But you can expel the armors a ton of people.
Speaker C:Actually I think Harry probably uses Lumos the most.
Speaker B:That makes sense.
Speaker B:That's the most useful Lumos he does use.
Speaker A:That one was high up there.
Speaker B:I can't imagine he is producing a Patronus that many times.
Speaker B:Like when would you need a Patronus?
Speaker D:But he's also exceptionally strong for a kid.
Speaker D:So you know, use what works.
Speaker D:Shit.
Speaker B:I think he's just lacks creativity.
Speaker B:You don't know what else to use.
Speaker C:Harry.
Speaker C:Creating the Patronus is like when a boy going through puberty gets his first boner.
Speaker C:He's like, oh, what's this?
Speaker C:And then he's just shooting it off all over the place.
Speaker B:It's funny because it's so accurate.
Speaker C:It's like, man, I just, I just got to let a Patronus out.
Speaker D:I can't with you.
Speaker D:Another failure of Hogwarts is if they were providing proper history, they would have known who TM Riddle was.
Speaker D:Like why is it first of all that there is a thing that Ron is polishing that has the name and nobody's taking that out of the trophy case.
Speaker D:And number two, like they should have when they saw that name on the book.
Speaker D:If they'd had a little bit of history.
Speaker D:If people weren't like, don't say the name they would have known from the jump.
Speaker D:Oh, this is Voldemort.
Speaker D:We need to like, turn this into somebody now that they would have.
Speaker D:But they would have at least known what the it was.
Speaker B:I don't think a lot of people know that Tom Riddle is Voldemort.
Speaker B:Like, even the people around him.
Speaker B:Because he's coming off and trying to be this like, pure blood guy.
Speaker B:He can't.
Speaker D:Dumbledore and McGonagall know.
Speaker B:Dumbledore and McGonagall know.
Speaker B:Yeah, but like, who they.
Speaker B:They don't go around telling people's business.
Speaker B:But like, he's trying to come across as he's a pure blood.
Speaker B:He can't come out and be like, oh, I'm a Muggle born.
Speaker B:Like, you can't.
Speaker D:No, no, not that.
Speaker D:I'm saying that now in present time, in this.
Speaker B:Oh, you mean they should take his stuff out and put it away.
Speaker B:They should.
Speaker D:Like, why is his.
Speaker D:You know, like, why isn't that part of, you know, magical history taught by the ghosts?
Speaker D:Like, you know, in 50 years, you know.
Speaker B:Because when is it 50 years ago?
Speaker B:It's 92 at this point.
Speaker D:So if Harry is 12, then Voldemort rose to power, what, let's say 14 years ago, 15 years ago.
Speaker D:That should be added to their history.
Speaker D:You know, to talk about Tom Marbolo Riddle turns into Voldemort and tried to kill us all.
Speaker D:Like, you know.
Speaker C:You know, public schools don't be updating their history books.
Speaker A:Yeah, that should be in the book.
Speaker D:This was a boarding school, God damn it.
Speaker D:God damn it.
Speaker A:Should be in the book.
Speaker A:It should have.
Speaker A:I don't know why it wasn't.
Speaker C:It's a boarding school ran by the Ministry of Magic.
Speaker C:You know that they don't invest in education.
Speaker B:And you also know that a lot of the people infiltrated Death Eaters, infiltrated the Mystery Match.
Speaker B:So if they're creating the test textbook, they're not going to put in there.
Speaker B:They're not gonna put the truth.
Speaker D:I blame.
Speaker D:I blame Dumbledore here.
Speaker D:I think that's something, as headmaster of Hogwarts that he could have.
Speaker B:I agree with that.
Speaker D:You know what I'm saying?
Speaker D:Said something about it's no reason these kids are walking around not knowing that T.M.
Speaker D:riddle is Voldemort.
Speaker B:I mean, you ain't wrong.
Speaker A:This is something they should have known.
Speaker A:The one thing, though that I was gonna say is Harry doesn't need a lot of spells, so her using magic makes sense because these kids are idiots.
Speaker A:Both of them.
Speaker A:Secondly, you mentioned that Moaning Myrtle.
Speaker A:That's an L for Hermione.
Speaker A:They should have asked Moaning Myrtle anytime during those 30 days.
Speaker A:How did you get here anyway?
Speaker A:Yeah, what happened to you?
Speaker A:How was school when you were here?
Speaker B:They're just callous and uncaring.
Speaker B:They.
Speaker B:They.
Speaker B:I mean, they were in her space.
Speaker B:They at least could have talked to her.
Speaker B:So they really just ignored her that whole time?
Speaker A:The whole time.
Speaker A:And no.
Speaker A:And you.
Speaker A:We know nobody comes up here.
Speaker A:No, nobody comes up here.
Speaker B:Nobody talks to her.
Speaker B:That's why she moaning, because people are mean.
Speaker B:Even when she did, they mean to her?
Speaker B:We saw how Peeves treated her at that party.
Speaker D:That's just a high level of being obnoxious.
Speaker D:If you're so obnoxious and deaf that nobody still wants to talk to you.
Speaker C:Like, you should probably kill yourself.
Speaker B:Damn.
Speaker B:Oh, wow.
Speaker B:Oh, well, let's move on.
Speaker B:So.
Speaker B:So they.
Speaker B:They're like the.
Speaker B:The spells Hermione tried didn't work.
Speaker B:And Harry.
Speaker B:And they're like, oh, well, it's blank.
Speaker B:Whatever.
Speaker B:Harry decides to keep the diary because a part of him felt as if Riddle was a friend he'd had and half forgotten.
Speaker B:So we're getting hints of Harry as the Horcrux here.
Speaker B:Like, even at this early stage there's some affinity between him and this diary.
Speaker B:And so he keeps it, even though at this point they think it's useless.
Speaker B:Okay.
Speaker B:So they start instead researching who Tom Riddle is and trying to figure out what he did to get his award because that would, you know, help them.
Speaker B:And as they start learning about them, they notice that he reminds them a lot of Percy.
Speaker B:And of course, this immediately makes Ron suspicious of him, which.
Speaker C:Understandable.
Speaker B:Understandable.
Speaker B:Percy and this book.
Speaker B:I want to know, like, say that Percy's on one.
Speaker B:This book.
Speaker B:He's been acting kind of weird.
Speaker B:And we know why Jenny's acting weird.
Speaker B:But, like, Percy's kind of like he's starting to set himself apart and start acting.
Speaker B:He's acting off.
Speaker B:So we will see how that goes.
Speaker B:But the fact that him and a young Tom Riddle are very much similar.
Speaker B:I mean, maybe we should keep our eye on Percy.
Speaker C:I don't know.
Speaker C:It's foreshadowing for him to be the second worst Weasley behind Arthur.
Speaker B:Percy is not as bad as Arthur.
Speaker C:Percy at least knows what he's doing with his job.
Speaker B:Betraying his family and friends.
Speaker C:All right, well, that's because he didn't want to contribute to the family the way that Bill and Charlie should have been.
Speaker B:Well, obviously he doesn't have to, because Bill and Charlie don't do nothing anyway.
Speaker B:So there was no pressure on him to contribute.
Speaker D:It's not their job anyways.
Speaker B:Let's move on.
Speaker B:So weeks pass and there are no new attacks since Justin Finch Fetchley and Nearly Headless Nick.
Speaker B:So people start to get a little hopeful again.
Speaker B:They're like, hey, the man Drakes are growing up.
Speaker B:They're getting moody and they got pimples.
Speaker B:Hey, sue will be able to repot them.
Speaker B:They're getting closer to being old.
Speaker B:And Harry's starting to think maybe the air of Slytherin has stopped.
Speaker B:Ernie McMillan has kind of chilled out on Harry.
Speaker B:He's actually been kind of at least cordial to him and peeves to stop singing that annoying song.
Speaker A:I like the fact that the Air Slytherin just had too many school lessons to do.
Speaker A:So they were busy, correct.
Speaker A:A lot of homework.
Speaker A:So I couldn't go around just like killing Muggleborns no more.
Speaker A:I had to go and do some class.
Speaker B:I got something to study for.
Speaker B:But hey, hold on a second.
Speaker A:I'll be back, though.
Speaker A:Don't worry about it.
Speaker B:So, of course Gilderoy has been going around telling everybody he's the reason that the attacks stopped.
Speaker B:And how.
Speaker A:How sway.
Speaker A:How did you stop them from.
Speaker A:What did you do?
Speaker A:Like, like what did you.
Speaker A:Because you.
Speaker A:You say it, but, like, what'd you do?
Speaker B:Apparently the Air Slytherin is afraid of him.
Speaker B:So he's kind of.
Speaker D:He's been chilling him with his good looks.
Speaker A:You've been here, dog.
Speaker C:He's just like Myrtle, where people don't want to talk to him either.
Speaker B:True.
Speaker A:I just.
Speaker A:I.
Speaker A:I don't understand this, man.
Speaker A:Because you've been at this school all year and this dude was running roughshod and then he got a little extra school work, so all of a sudden you stopped him.
Speaker A:Oh.
Speaker B:That'S hilarious.
Speaker A:Nothing.
Speaker A:It's not even like you did a show or something and then he would have stopped.
Speaker A:You've done absolutely nothing.
Speaker A:And all of a sudden, because of.
Speaker B:You, that's what Gilderoy does.
Speaker B:He takes credit for shit.
Speaker B:He takes credit like, we'll see.
Speaker B:This isn't the last we'll from here, from Gilderoy.
Speaker B:So Gilderoy is like, oh, you guys have been so gloomy lately.
Speaker B:Let me do something special for y'all for Valentine's Day.
Speaker B:And he goes, ham.
Speaker B:He, like, converts the whole great hall it's all purple and pink and fluffy he's wearing these bright pink robes he hired dwarfs to deliver Valentine's all it is crazy and he made sure to note that he got 46 Valentine sent to him of course Hermione sent one as well so sad yeah you know.
Speaker A:I mean he sent her a letter obviously she had to send one back.
Speaker B:Of course it's inappropriate Inappropriate Anyway so Harry's like oh this is gross he's heading to his charms class and as he's getting there one of the doors like hey you ain't you ar and he's like no he starts trying to get away the dwarf tackles him in front of Jenny Weasley and a whole bunch of first years has to sit on his feet to hear the.
Speaker B:The song that is sang to him it was.
Speaker B:It's kind of.
Speaker B:I don't know they never say who sent him the valentine and a part of me feels like it might have been Fred or George to as a joke but at in the.
Speaker B:In the course of tackling him to stop him from running away so he could sing the song all of Harry's stuff and all of his out of his book bag it's ghost flying and who picks up the diary but Draco Malfoy of course it's Draco it's always Draco so Draco's thinking it's Harry's diary and he's like okay well I'm gonna look through it and see and of course Jenny's there so he's gonna try to play it up oh let's see what Harry says in his diary Harry panics, doesn't know what to do so she.
Speaker B:He expelliarmus's Draco gets the diary to fly out of his hands and Ron catches it for him so we're good he goes into oh and of course Draco makes sure to say to Jenny I don't think he liked your Valentine on his way past because Draco was obsessed with Harry Potter anyways he might be a little jealous of Jenny so they go into charms and Harry notices that his ink he had a pot of ink, red ink and it spilled over all his books it also spilled on the journal but the journal is bone dry as if nothing ever happened and he's like that's weird he goes to tell Ron Ron's.
Speaker B:Ron's not paying attention so he goes up to his dorm after class and he takes out another ink pot and he drips a drop of ink and it soaks it up immediately so he's like, okay.
Speaker B:He picks up the ink and he starts writing to the journal, talking.
Speaker B:He's like, hey, I'm Harry Potter and the journal, who I'm gonna start calling Tom because it is Tom in there.
Speaker B:Tom goes, hey, how'd you get my journal, dude?
Speaker B:He's like oh, I found it.
Speaker B:Why would someone want to get rid of the journal?
Speaker B:Tom says, oh, I'm sure I, I made sure to protect what I wrote because I know people want to get rid of this journal because of all the COVID up that was happening.
Speaker B:And Harry's like, what?
Speaker B:They're covering stuff up.
Speaker B:Stuff is going crazy here too.
Speaker B:What's going on?
Speaker B:And Tom's like oh, you want to find out?
Speaker B:I can show you.
Speaker A:I can show you.
Speaker B:And at this point Harry should have ran and got Hermione.
Speaker A:I'm not doing nothing like going into a damn book.
Speaker A:I'm not doing this at all.
Speaker A:I have been in this wizarding world for two years.
Speaker A:I don't know what the going on around here.
Speaker A:And you just told me you could show me.
Speaker A:Come on my guy.
Speaker A:I just found this book.
Speaker A:I didn't know it could talk to me and it's talking directly to me.
Speaker A:Yes.
Speaker A:I need to go get.
Speaker A:I need, I need an adult.
Speaker A:Hermione.
Speaker B:Hermione.
Speaker B:He definitely should have went answer questions.
Speaker B:Yeah, he definitely should have got her.
Speaker C:Mind at the very least.
Speaker C:Or you go to Dumbledore or you go to McGonagall.
Speaker C:Hell you.
Speaker A:Great point.
Speaker B:Why?
Speaker A:Okay, Dumbledore is a great resource for all these things.
Speaker A:Why are you not going to the headmaster Dumbledore and being like hey, remember that time you came and saved me from Voldemort?
Speaker A:I got another weird thing happening.
Speaker A:This book is talking back to me.
Speaker A:Yes.
Speaker A:Can you tell me about this?
Speaker B:Is this normal?
Speaker A:In addition, I keep hearing voices.
Speaker D:In the walls?
Speaker A:Yeah, in the walls.
Speaker A:Can you tell me about that too?
Speaker A:I don't know at any point why Harry's like let's go just investigate this on my own.
Speaker A:You're 12, stop it.
Speaker B:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker B:Well let's be honest.
Speaker B:It worked out for him the first time so.
Speaker B:And Dumbledore's doing nothing to stop him, so why, why shouldn't he?
Speaker C:And also if the attacker had too much homework to investigate, you also have too much homework.
Speaker B:So like to go get into some ruckus.
Speaker C:If they can't attack somebody, you shouldn't be investigating.
Speaker C:You should be passing this on to someone else.
Speaker B:Right?
Speaker B:He doesn't do do any of that.
Speaker B:He goes, okay, and so a TV screen opens in the diary and he goes falling into it.
Speaker B:He finds himself in a memory and it takes him entirely too long to figure this out.
Speaker B:He like sits there shouting at the headmaster and going, hey, okay, I'm sorry, I'm gonna leave.
Speaker B:And before he realizes, oh, this was 50 years ago.
Speaker B:Whatever.
Speaker B:So what we find out from this memory one during this time, Tom is 16 and he is a prefect, we learn that he is a half blood.
Speaker B:His father is a Muggle and his mom is a witch.
Speaker B:I think that's particularly important, this conversation because I think it kind of gives you a sentiment about where things were 50 years ago because one, I don't think Dumbledore would ever ask a kid their blood status.
Speaker B:But here this headmaster goes, oh, are you a Muggle born?
Speaker B:And he, he has, oh, I'm half blood, you know, real quick.
Speaker B:So I feel like that kind of gives a hint about where things are about 50 years ago.
Speaker B:So Tom's a prefect and we know that he wrote a letter requesting to stay over at Hogwarts over the summer, which I think Harry should probably look into.
Speaker A:Look into.
Speaker B:Take some notes, my guy, take some notes, dude.
Speaker B:This is like good info for you.
Speaker B:But he is told he can't stay because of all of the stuff with the Chamber of Secrets.
Speaker B:It's unsafe for you to be at Hogwarts right now.
Speaker B:Especially because old girl just bit it, right?
Speaker B:So he's like, oh, so if the person's caught, maybe I could stay?
Speaker B:And Headmaster's like, oh, do you know something about this?
Speaker B:And Tom goes, no.
Speaker B:Which nobody believed that, but he said, all right, if not, then get out.
Speaker B:So Tom leaves and Harry follows him and he, he's.
Speaker B:He.
Speaker B:We run into a younger Dumbledore because he's out wandering about and Dumber's like, hey Tom, what are you doing out of bay?
Speaker B:You know it's dangerous.
Speaker B:You need to go up to bed.
Speaker B:He's like, yeah, yeah, I'm going.
Speaker B:I was just talking to the headmaster here.
Speaker B:We learned that Dumbledore is a ginger and at 50 years ago his hair wasn't quite gray yet.
Speaker B:So Dumber says okay, fine, go to bed.
Speaker B:And instead Tom goes and hides in the potions classroom, Harry's current potions classroom in the dungeon.
Speaker B:And he waits there for a while for someone.
Speaker B:And right when Harry's like, oh, I'm bored.
Speaker B:This is not info.
Speaker B:He moves and he follows someone all the way down.
Speaker B:And that someone turns out to be Hagrid.
Speaker B:Yeah, Hagrid is there talking to someone trying to say, oh, we got to get you out of here.
Speaker B:We got to get you out of there.
Speaker B:And Tom confronts him and says, rubius.
Speaker B:He calls him his first name.
Speaker B:Oh, my gosh, it's serious Rubious.
Speaker B:Time's up.
Speaker B:I know it was you.
Speaker B:I know you didn't mean to, but, like, we.
Speaker B:We gotta.
Speaker B:We.
Speaker B:I gotta turn you in.
Speaker B:And Hacker's like, no, no, he didn't do anything.
Speaker B:He had nothing to do with it.
Speaker B:This is.
Speaker B:This is not what it looks like.
Speaker B:And Tom's like, nope, nope, I gotta turn you in.
Speaker B:So he tries to get Aragog out of the box.
Speaker B:Aragog runs out, barrels Tom over, and escapes.
Speaker B:And so he tries to, I don't know, do some spell to kill the spider, but Hagrid, of course, defends.
Speaker B:Hagrid is again, half giant.
Speaker B:So even if Tom is a little bit older than him, he's gonna.
Speaker B:He's gonna take care of business because we know Hagrid got expelled his third year, right?
Speaker B:So Hagrid knocks Tom out of the way and was like, no.
Speaker B:And that's where the memory ends.
Speaker A:So this dude's been protecting these magical creatures from day one.
Speaker A:Yeah, he crazy.
Speaker A:This.
Speaker A:And this is a mistake.
Speaker A:This is how you get kicked out of school.
Speaker A:Half giant, man.
Speaker A:Like, he doesn't know that.
Speaker B:He doesn't know.
Speaker B:He just.
Speaker B:He just.
Speaker D:He just really has reached hard for these animals.
Speaker B:So another thing we learn about Tom is that his first name is after his father and his middle names after his grandfather, who.
Speaker B:Who we know is not a Muggle.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker B:We also learned that he has to stay in an orphanage during the summer and he hates being there.
Speaker B:I mean, I'm sure orphanages aren't fun, but, like, we start to see how he starts building from this Tom Riddle to Voldemort and like, those little pieces that are left for us to see why he starts hating Muggles so much.
Speaker D:And can we also draw that parallel between him and Harry Potter?
Speaker D:You know, from the being half right with the mom and the dad, from having a place where you don't want to go home to on any breaks.
Speaker D:You know, like, you could see why Harry feels an affinity for this person in this too, because they're literally living the same life.
Speaker B:Very similar.
Speaker B:Well, Harry.
Speaker B:Harry isn't necessarily considered a half blood because his mom.
Speaker B:His mom's a Muggle born, but she is a witch.
Speaker B:But I don't know what you would even call that, but Tom definitely is.
Speaker B:And so I.
Speaker B:I can see why, especially later when he has to pick between Harry and Neville, he would pick Harry because Harry's closer to him than Neville.
Speaker B:Neville's a pure blood and Harry isn' so, yeah, we can see those connections.
Speaker B:So after this fight where Voldemort gets knocked the out, Harry gets popped out of the the diary and he tells Ron that it was Hagrid who opened the Chamber of Secrets.
Speaker B:And that's the end of chapter 13.
Speaker A:This, this chapter with a lot of stuff just happening in this book, that was kind of it.
Speaker C:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker B:Like this chapter, it was longer and it needed to be the rest.
Speaker B:I was like, we could have probably combined the next two chapters into one.
Speaker B:But whatever.
Speaker D:You're so mean.
Speaker B:I'm just saying, like, I get.
Speaker B:Sometimes you need to flesh things out.
Speaker B:But like.
Speaker B:Yeah, so chapter 14 is called Cornelius Fudge.
Speaker B:But I think it's funny because he's only in like the last little bit of the chapter.
Speaker B:But anyways, so spoiler.
Speaker B:Anyway, so the Golden Trio are like, oh my gosh, I can't believe Hagrid opened the Chamber of Secrets.
Speaker B:But they know Hagrid.
Speaker B:They know Hagrid does stupid.
Speaker B:He had a dragon his first year.
Speaker B:He took this egg from some random person and raised the spider.
Speaker B:Like, they know Hagrid does it because he loves animals, not because he wants to try to kill anyone.
Speaker A:I love that.
Speaker A:The moment Harry gets out the book, he's like, gotta go tell Hermione.
Speaker A:The only person that can help figure out what's going on here.
Speaker B:Yeah, like, makes no sense.
Speaker B:So they believe Hagrid opened the Chamber of Secrets, but they do not believe that he's the Heir Slytherin or that he did it maliciously.
Speaker B:They think if he found out that there was some creature who was hidden away that of course Hagrid would go and try to set it free and take care of it.
Speaker B:So they go back and forth about, hey, should we go ask Hagrid about this?
Speaker B:Which they probably should have gone to their friend and given them the benefit of the doubt and it would have saved us two chapters.
Speaker B:But in instead they quibble and go, nope, we're not going to ask Haggard about this.
Speaker B:Even though we're trying to figure all this out, we're not going to ask Hagrid about it.
Speaker B:Yes.
Speaker B:Hey, don't keep bringing up their age.
Speaker B:When they keep putting themselves into this.
Speaker A:Is why the reason I keep bringing up their age Is because they're 12 and they should be like, let's go ask an adult.
Speaker A:And even in this situation, Hagrid's our friend.
Speaker A:And an adult.
Speaker A:Let's go at.
Speaker A:Not just an adult.
Speaker A:This guy is 63 years old.
Speaker B:Something at least.
Speaker B:Yeah, well, because he was.
Speaker A:He was.
Speaker A:If he goes when he's the same age.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker A:Third year there and he is 50 years ago.
Speaker A:Right.
Speaker B:So he's 63.
Speaker A:64.
Speaker B:Math is mathing.
Speaker A:Then, then this is an old man.
Speaker A:Go ask him what happened.
Speaker A:And even if he's the one doing it.
Speaker A:Hey, are you opening the chamber again?
Speaker A:Oh, you're not?
Speaker A:Well, what do you know?
Speaker B:Hell is going on.
Speaker B:Yeah, and it's not like they couldn't get it out of him.
Speaker B:Hagrid can't keep a secret for shit.
Speaker A:We found that out last year.
Speaker B:We knew that.
Speaker B:All like two chapters we could have saved.
Speaker B:Anyway, so we learned that it's been four months since the last attack.
Speaker B:And I need a pause here.
Speaker B:Four months since Justin got petrified.
Speaker B:Which means it's even longer since Colin and even longer since Mrs.
Speaker B:Norris.
Speaker B:How like have they told their parents that they're just.
Speaker B:These are Muggle borns.
Speaker B:They're expecting them.
Speaker B:Like they had Christmas break and these kids didn't go home.
Speaker B:What did they tell the parents?
Speaker B:Oh no, they want to stay.
Speaker B:Do they know or are they just covering it up?
Speaker B:Like this is crazy.
Speaker A:Beyond that cover up, does Colin have to repeat a year?
Speaker B:I mean he learned nothing.
Speaker B:He was out like pretty close to the beginning, right?
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:Damn.
Speaker B:Does he have to repeat?
Speaker B:That's the only school.
Speaker A:Does he have to repeat the first year again?
Speaker A:What have you learned?
Speaker A:And you're a Muggle born, which means you don't know nothing going on to begin.
Speaker C:Yeah, he really should be repeating first grade.
Speaker B:Yeah, he's going to be in the first year with his brother.
Speaker A:He should be.
Speaker A:Because you know nothing.
Speaker B:You know you should be coming back.
Speaker A:So you can learn this stuff because all these classes you've missed while you've been petrified.
Speaker B:And you know he didn't take no finals.
Speaker A:So like not just didn't take any finals.
Speaker A:You can't even practice over the summer because you're in a Muggle house.
Speaker A:You come back in year two with no basis.
Speaker C:He doesn't even know when Guardium Leviosa.
Speaker B:When Guardian knowing Guardium Leviosa.
Speaker B:Like I.
Speaker B:I didn't even.
Speaker B:I just thought about the fact like clearly the fact that it wasn't in the Daily Profit.
Speaker B:Nobody knows they're covering up.
Speaker B:Which means they probably didn't tell the parents anything.
Speaker B:And if you're Muggle born, your Muggle parents Don't know.
Speaker B:Oh you should be coming home for Christmas.
Speaker B:They're like okay I guess they're not coming home.
Speaker A:Well jff, he's in the second year.
Speaker B:Second year.
Speaker A:It's the last year you came over Christmas.
Speaker A:Yeah, something what did you tell us?
Speaker A:Your kid is petrified and in the hospital and you can't come down here.
Speaker B:Someone comes to you says hey no no.
Speaker B:Someone comes to you says your kid is petrified and like petrified or what?
Speaker B:What they scared of?
Speaker B:Yeah, like what's going on?
Speaker B:Like they clearly did not tell these parents and this has been months and months that they're frozen.
Speaker D:Like does somebody like answering the owl messages for them?
Speaker D:But like hey it's a great week at school.
Speaker D:Like is it a whole conspiracy cover up?
Speaker A:It has to be because there's nothing now going to these parents.
Speaker A:They'll be getting stuff through post and they have to get.
Speaker A:Oh yeah, yeah they're not coming.
Speaker A:JFF is not coming back this year.
Speaker A:Coming home for the Christmas he's going to stay at Hogwarts.
Speaker A:Sign Justin Finch Fletchley.
Speaker A:You know what I'm saying?
Speaker B:Yes they have their Mandrakes that they're growing but couldn't they have like written to anybody in the world and said we are the famous Hogwarts school.
Speaker B:We need some adult Mandrake Drakes now like why did they have to wait to their own Mandrakes group?
Speaker A:That's another good.
Speaker C:Because they got to keep it a secret.
Speaker A:No one could have gone down to Hogsmeade and bought some mandrakes.
Speaker A:Yeah no one could have gone down the Diagon alley and bought some.
Speaker B:Even gone to Nocturne Alley and probably got something like there's other ways they could have got this done like right to the southern hemisphere school because they probably are are in the opposite schedule which means you don't have to wait for the magics to grow up.
Speaker B:They're already grown up down there.
Speaker B:Hey, send some shit up Adult Mandrakes before now.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:Sitting in his hospital wing Petrified the cat.
Speaker A:I get the ghost I get.
Speaker A:But these children, children they're missing a whole school year.
Speaker B:Yeah, just this is just negligence of the highest degree.
Speaker B:I just don't.
Speaker B:Come on.
Speaker A:There ain't no safer place in the Hogwarts.
Speaker A:My ass.
Speaker A:Go ahead.
Speaker B:So it's now March and the second years have to pick their classes for the 30th.
Speaker B:But JFF of course he can't because he is petrified.
Speaker A:He shouldn't be going to a third year he should be repeating the second.
Speaker B:He's probably going back to a second year.
Speaker B:Like, that's just medial ass.
Speaker A:You know what I'm saying?
Speaker B:So they're trying to pick their classes.
Speaker B:Of course, Harry and Ron pick the same classes of each other.
Speaker B:And Hermione signs up for all of the classes.
Speaker B:I wonder how she's gonna find the time to do all of those.
Speaker C:What makes you think she's gonna get to the third year?
Speaker A:What makes her.
Speaker A:What makes you think she.
Speaker A:Of course she's the best in the class.
Speaker A:She should probably be skipping a class.
Speaker B:If she didn't get her third year, there wouldn't be five more books.
Speaker C:She's gonna be skipping a whole bunch of classes in the next couple of pages.
Speaker B:True, true.
Speaker B:But she's also ahead of everybody anyway.
Speaker B:So they're like, hermione could have skipped her second year anyway.
Speaker B:It's fine.
Speaker B:So this time for Quidditch again.
Speaker B:They're about to play Gryffindor is about to play Hufflepuff.
Speaker B:Oliver has been working the team every day after dinner.
Speaker B:They've been going out doing practice.
Speaker A:Big money, baby.
Speaker A:Big.
Speaker A:There's a.
Speaker A:There is a lot on the line for them to win this cup.
Speaker A:Oliver and McGonagall have big money on this, this year, on the futures.
Speaker B:Apparently they do.
Speaker B:Apparently McGonagall hedge their bets because.
Speaker B:So Harry's coming up after one of the practices to put his stuff down and Neville meets him there and going like, yo, dude.
Speaker B:I don't know how to tell you what happened, but something happened.
Speaker B:He goes into his room and it has been ransacked.
Speaker B:Someone has gone through all his stuff.
Speaker B:The pockets in all of his robes have been turned out.
Speaker B:Clearly they're searching for something.
Speaker B:And he notices that the TMR diary is gone.
Speaker A:Well, before that, when they walk in the room, they said that Dean let out a curse where he walked and said Thomas was like, what the damn.
Speaker B:I.
Speaker B:I feel like he might have been like, oh, man.
Speaker B:Anyway, so Yadine came in, was like, like, what the.
Speaker B:Anyways, they all.
Speaker B:And they all pitch in.
Speaker B:Seamus and Neville helped to write Harry's stuff again and clean up his space.
Speaker B:Such loving boys.
Speaker B:I appreciate them.
Speaker B:So the.
Speaker B:The diary's gone.
Speaker B:And they realized that the only person who could have taken the diary was another Gryffindor because they had to have the password to get into the Gryffindor comma room.
Speaker B:I wonder what Gryffindor would want to steal this diary.
Speaker A:I love how this became an episode of CSI real quick.
Speaker A:Because they're in the room.
Speaker A:They're walking around the room.
Speaker A:Harry like, like, looks and then like, it, like, zooms in as he notices that the pockets are turned out.
Speaker A:They said it looks like someone was searching for something.
Speaker A:In my mind, Ron has the camera out, camera taking pictures, things around the room as they're looking for footprints.
Speaker A:They're trying to figure out who was in there.
Speaker A:He sits down.
Speaker A:Yep.
Speaker A:Sits down with Hermione.
Speaker A:And he's like, it must have came from inside the house.
Speaker A:And then it was now.
Speaker A:Who are the suspects in this whole.
Speaker A:Yeah, everyone in the Gryffindor is now a suspect.
Speaker A:And everyone's face comes up.
Speaker A:You cut the.
Speaker A:Jenny, she's trembling over there.
Speaker B:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker B:And at breakfast the next.
Speaker B:The next morning, Harry's like mad, dogging everybody.
Speaker B:Like, who the one of you was it?
Speaker C:Everyone except the Weasleys.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker A:He said, I don't think.
Speaker A:I think Neville is probably off the hook.
Speaker B:I think Dean and Seamus are off the hook.
Speaker B:Seamus would have blown it up.
Speaker B:And Dean's just too cool.
Speaker B:We know Dean.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:And in this moment, Harry asked Ron, does his dad have a magic proof vest that he could borrow?
Speaker A:Because he about to go to work.
Speaker A:He about to go to work.
Speaker B:Oh, my God, there's gonna be a sting operation in the Gryffindor common room.
Speaker A:Sitting outside the fat lady with a donut and sunglasses on as they're waiting to see who comes in.
Speaker C:Got the crime scene tape across the door, right?
Speaker A:Yep, yep.
Speaker B:Oh, my gosh.
Speaker B:So Harry runs up to grab his stuff to get ready for Quidditch.
Speaker B:He has to go grab his broom.
Speaker B:And then he hears the voice again.
Speaker B:And Ron and Hermione are like, what?
Speaker B:He's like, oh, my God, the voice.
Speaker B:You didn't hear it?
Speaker B:And then a light bulb goes off for Hermione and she goes, oh, I think I figured something out.
Speaker B:And she runs off toward the library.
Speaker B:And Harry goes, why is she running to the library?
Speaker B:And Ron goes, that's her mothership.
Speaker B:Of course, that's how it goes.
Speaker A:You.
Speaker A:She thinks of an idea, she goes to the library.
Speaker A:Get a clue, Ron, you should be doing the same.
Speaker B:If she goes to the library, she.
Speaker A:Probably have figured something out.
Speaker A:Go with her.
Speaker A:Natasha, your boys over here fucking up again.
Speaker A:I am just tired of this guy Ronald Weasley doing nothing.
Speaker D:I can't help him with this one.
Speaker D:They probably should have escorted her to the library.
Speaker B:They probably should have went with her.
Speaker B:So they go out to Quidditch while Hermione goes to do all the work per the ush.
Speaker B:And they're right.
Speaker B:They're just about to mount the brooms and get it started.
Speaker B:And McGonagall comes out and cancels the match.
Speaker B:Of course Oliver goes ballistic.
Speaker B:He's like, what are you waiting at right now?
Speaker B:You got caught.
Speaker B:And Majeed's like, save it, Oliver.
Speaker B:We're going in.
Speaker B:And she grabs Harry and she's like, come with me.
Speaker B:And so of course Ron goes running over because she's taking Harry away.
Speaker B:And she looks around and goes, you should probably come too.
Speaker B:That's when they should have known something bad was happening.
Speaker A:Hold on, cj.
Speaker A:If the match.
Speaker A:If the match is canceled, does the bet go through?
Speaker B:No, no.
Speaker C:Canceled.
Speaker A:That's what I'm thinking too.
Speaker A:I think that's really where it is, now that we think about it.
Speaker A:She knew she had to get out there before the match started or else she'll be losing the money because she would have to cancel it during the match.
Speaker A:If the match starts playing, it's a.
Speaker B:00 to stop attacking McG.
Speaker B:Okay, if she was.
Speaker B:She is living on a professor's salary.
Speaker B:She needs to pad her salary the best way she knows how to get off her back about it.
Speaker D:Wait, her roommate was paid for.
Speaker D:Wait a minute.
Speaker A:It is.
Speaker A:But she needs to bring money back to her.
Speaker A:Her family.
Speaker B:Her family.
Speaker B:She ain't taking no money back to her family.
Speaker A:Listen, sometimes when Jonte Porter type situations.
Speaker B:By the way, you know that, right?
Speaker B:She ain't got no family.
Speaker B:It's just her.
Speaker A:Listen, when Johnte Port some.
Speaker A:When we have a Jontay Porter scandal where you're betting on your own school, that is when we need to draw the line.
Speaker A:Me and C.J.
Speaker A:are about to get our magic proof vest on and do an investigation into this gambling situation.
Speaker D:Is John Tay Porter the one who just got a lifetime ban and only won like $20,000?
Speaker B:Yeah, yeah, that wasn't it.
Speaker D:Like, what the entire fuck was the point of that hooker and made $20,000?
Speaker A:Listen, while this is probably true, he was probably just.
Speaker A:Just getting into the gambling.
Speaker A:You know what I'm saying?
Speaker A:He didn't have ipe.
Speaker A:He didn't have ipe.
Speaker A:Foresight.
Speaker A:So that was something.
Speaker A:Exactly.
Speaker C:You always got to pay somebody.
Speaker C:That's why you need to like, you need somebody to run your money.
Speaker B:That's what did.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker C:I know a dude who lived in Vegas during football season and he was a professional football gambler.
Speaker C:He lived in Michigan.
Speaker C:And every football season he would come out and he'd rent an apartment for Four months and he would bet.
Speaker C:The problem is, in order for him to make enough money to be a professional football gambler for the course of the year, is he needs more people to place bets for him.
Speaker C:So then he would pay people to go place his bets, collect his winnings, and then if he made whatever amount him and his wife agreed to, he can continue being a professional football gambler.
Speaker C:And if he did not make that amount of money, he had to get a real job.
Speaker A:Sometimes you need someone to place the best for you.
Speaker A:So Jonte made 20k on his own.
Speaker A:Who knows how much he made and others when other people are putting bets on him in games that he was in.
Speaker A:This is just a speculation, you know, we don't know for sure.
Speaker B:Allegedly.
Speaker B:Allegedly.
Speaker A:But I'm watching him allegedly along with McGonagall.
Speaker A:I'm watching them bet on things that they're involved.
Speaker B:Let me say this.
Speaker B:If McGonagall is betting, she would never get caught.
Speaker B:I'm just saying that.
Speaker B:Just saying.
Speaker A:I mean, I think, I think.
Speaker D:Smart gal.
Speaker A:Here's, here's the problem, here's the only problem with this.
Speaker A:I think Wood's putting the bets in for her and he's too frantic.
Speaker A:That's all the situation is here.
Speaker B:That's why she would never trust Wood to do it.
Speaker B:She wouldn't trust Wood.
Speaker B:You know who's, you know who's probably doing it for her?
Speaker B:Angelina Johnson.
Speaker A:She doesn't care.
Speaker B:Trust Wood.
Speaker A:It's Oliver.
Speaker A:It has to be Oliver.
Speaker A:The way he behaves, it has to be all.
Speaker B:That's why it can't be him.
Speaker B:It has to be Angelina.
Speaker B:Because like you just said, people think, oh, she don't care about Angelina is one of, one of the best chasers in Hogwarts and she's super chill.
Speaker B:No one's gonna look at her and think she's wrapped up in any of that stuff.
Speaker A:You would think that, but the way that Oliver behaves, he definitely has some skin in the game and he does have some skin.
Speaker B:Again, he probably found out about it and he's participating.
Speaker B:But he's not going to be McGonagall's mule.
Speaker B:Hell nah.
Speaker A:I, I, I think, I think it's Oliver.
Speaker A:I don't think Angelina's involved in this scandal.
Speaker A:Carry on.
Speaker B:I think it's angelina.
Speaker B:Anyway, so McGonagall takes Ron and Harry to the hospital wing and there they find the prefect Ravenclaw that they ran into when they were dressed up as Crab and Goyle and Hermione.
Speaker B:They are petrified and Mug.
Speaker B:Of course the, the boys are devastated.
Speaker B:McGonagall mentions that she had a mirror with her.
Speaker B:Do, do they understand or know anything about it?
Speaker B:And they're like, no, no, moving on.
Speaker B:No, of course not.
Speaker B:We're stupid.
Speaker B:So that's it.
Speaker B:Hermione is hemmed up.
Speaker B:Oh no.
Speaker B:So that night McGonagall addresses all of the Gryffindors and they institute a 6 o'clock curfew.
Speaker B:By 6 o'clock everybody got to be in the dorms.
Speaker B:Nobody can be outside.
Speaker A:They did the curfew because her McGonagall said with Hermione on the.
Speaker A:On, on the mend.
Speaker A:I don't know how the boys are gonna figure this out.
Speaker B:They ain't doing nothing anyway.
Speaker B:So we can do a curfew, it's fine.
Speaker B:Yeah, correct.
Speaker B:And now things are stopping so they have to be inside.
Speaker B:They're escorted to each of their classrooms by a teacher.
Speaker B:They're even accompanied to the bathroom by a teacher which seems illegal.
Speaker B:All Quidditch training is cut off.
Speaker B:All Quidditch games and evening activities are postponed indefinitely.
Speaker B:And yeah, everyone's scared of now, including Quidditch.
Speaker B:And she.
Speaker B:I did say Quidditch.
Speaker B:I did say Quidditch, Kev.
Speaker B:She also mentions Hogwarts is in danger of being closed because of the incidents just like 50 years ago.
Speaker A:I mean this is some big deal.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:At this point she leaves and our boy Lee Jordan, he comes up, he's like, hey, I'm doing the math here.
Speaker B:That is two Gryffindors, not including our Gryffindor ghost, a Ravenclaw and a Hufflepuff.
Speaker B:Ain't nobody seeing how Slytherin is safe here.
Speaker B:Ain't nobody seeing how nobody's touching Slytherin.
Speaker A:I'm just saying.
Speaker B:I'm just saying.
Speaker A:I'm just saying get rid of all.
Speaker B:The Slytherins and we'll be cool.
Speaker B:And of course everyone's like damn, that makes so much sense.
Speaker A:I mean, math is mathing, right?
Speaker B:So Harry realizes that he does now have to actually talk to Hagrid.
Speaker B:Which of course you have to talk to Hagrid, you idiot.
Speaker A:Should have been talked to him.
Speaker B:So he's like, hey Ron, we gotta go.
Speaker B:We gotta go talk to Hagrid.
Speaker B:And we're gonna use the invisibility cloak.
Speaker B:And so they have to wait until everybody kind of is gone because all like out of the, the common room because all the extra patrols and stuff and they use invisibility coke and they're walking around and they, it takes a lot to get around because all of the patrols in the castle are in the way.
Speaker B:They have prefects out there.
Speaker B:They got the staff, they got faculty.
Speaker B:Then they have to be very quiet because they're invisible but they're not mute, right?
Speaker B:So they finally make their way out.
Speaker B:They get all the way to Hagworth.
Speaker B:Hagworth's, Hagrid's hut.
Speaker B:And they are met with a fucking crossbow to the face.
Speaker B:Hagrid ain't playing with none of y'all.
Speaker B:You better get off my porch.
Speaker A:Hagrid being there and ready and able to shoot anybody in the face is what.
Speaker A:That's the energy we need, Hagrid.
Speaker A:We need that energy and says, oh, it's just you guys.
Speaker A:Secondly, the fact that the, the fact that they said time to break out the invisibility cloak.
Speaker A:Did we forget that they had a cloak they could be running around here.
Speaker B:With all, all the whole time?
Speaker A:This is ridiculous.
Speaker B:And everyone's like, oh, I had an invisibility cloak.
Speaker B:I don't know if I would ever.
Speaker A:See my ass.
Speaker B:Still go here.
Speaker B:Like, I haven't seen her.
Speaker B:Hell no, you wouldn't see me.
Speaker B:Anyway, so they get there, Hagrid was like, oh, it's y'all.
Speaker B:Oh, come in.
Speaker B:So clearly he's expecting someone.
Speaker B:And right when they're about to get down to like, hey, Hagrid, what's up with this Chamber of Secrets type stuff?
Speaker B:There's a knock at the door and this time it's Dumbledore and Cornelius Fudge.
Speaker B:Okay, his name alone sucks.
Speaker B:Yeah, we know.
Speaker B:He is the Minister of Magic and he, he's very much a wishy washy week politician.
Speaker B:Right?
Speaker B:So it's clear, I mean, they've come for Hagrid because 50 years ago it was Hagrid.
Speaker B:So now it's starting again.
Speaker B:Hagrid's on the grounds it don't look good.
Speaker B:And, and Fudge even basically says the reason, only reason why he's doing something is because of optics and political, you know, political, like expediency.
Speaker B:Right?
Speaker B:He's just trying to make it seem like he's actually doing something.
Speaker B:I don't think Fudge even himself thinks it's Hagrid.
Speaker B:But he has to do something and he has no leads because he hasn't even been trying to, to monitor.
Speaker B:He's thinking Dumbledore is going to take care of it so they have to take him and they're going to send them to Azkaban.
Speaker B:And he said, oh, it's just a short stretch.
Speaker B:And Haiger's like, motherfuckers.
Speaker B:Azkaban, what are you talking about?
Speaker B:And at this point, there's another knock at the door and who shows up?
Speaker B:Lucius Malfoy.
Speaker B:And he has an order of suspension for one Albus Dumbledore.
Speaker B:And all 12 governors signed it.
Speaker B:And it's fishing.
Speaker B:Hagrid says, oh, and how many of them did you blackmail to get that to happen?
Speaker B:And Lucius doesn't deny it, of course.
Speaker B:He goes, whoa, you're fiery temper.
Speaker B:Calm down.
Speaker B:At this point, Fudge is like, wait, no, we don't need to get rid of Dumbledore.
Speaker B:We just like, that's too much.
Speaker B:That's too far.
Speaker B:And Lucia's like nope, we already signed it.
Speaker B:He's gone.
Speaker B:So at this point Dumbledore's like look, fine, I'll leave.
Speaker B:And then he says to the people in the corner, hiding in the corner under the invisibility cloak, he's like, hey, I'm only truly gone if no one loyal here remains at Hogwarts.
Speaker B:And then week, week y'all in the corner.
Speaker D:Can he see through the invisibility clothes?
Speaker A:My guy Dumbledore knows everything.
Speaker A:He knows that is going to happen.
Speaker A:That has happened.
Speaker A:He knows everything.
Speaker B:He also says help will always be given to those who ask for it.
Speaker B:Wink, wink, wink.
Speaker B:And then Hagrid goes, yeah, if anyone wants to know about Chamber of Secrets, they could just follow the spiders and somebody better feed Fang.
Speaker B:And that's the end of chapter 14.
Speaker A:Somebody better feed Fang.
Speaker A:That's all we need to know.
Speaker B:Yeah, feed Fang.
Speaker B:Don't forget to take care of my dog.
Speaker B:Fools.
Speaker C:Why don't they have the care of magical creatures?
Speaker C:Teacher, take care of Fang.
Speaker C:Because we all know Hagrid's gone at that point.
Speaker C:As part of the faculty, right?
Speaker D:Who's going to be the new care of magical creatures?
Speaker B:He's not a teacher at this point.
Speaker B:He's just a gamekeeper.
Speaker B:So there is another care of magical creatures, Professor.
Speaker B:They never mention him because no one cares about him.
Speaker B:But he could be the one to take care of the.
Speaker B:The dog.
Speaker B:So yep, Hagr and Dumbledore are now gone.
Speaker B:And in chapter 15 everyone's panicked because without Dumbledore everyone is like, well, who's taking care of us?
Speaker B:Who's protecting us?
Speaker B:Because none of us are safe now.
Speaker B:They.
Speaker B:And Percy is is shook because a prefect got petrified and he thought he was immune for some reason.
Speaker A:Why would he be safe?
Speaker A:Why would you be safe?
Speaker B:Because he's crazy.
Speaker D:But also too like he's, he's pure blood.
Speaker D:Like, why?
Speaker A:Just worth more than everybody else.
Speaker B:Yeah, he's a snob.
Speaker B:He's a total snob for someone who grew up in the borough.
Speaker B:What the.
Speaker B:Who the do you think you are, dude?
Speaker B:Power.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:So everyone's scared.
Speaker B:Ron and Harry keep trying to visit Hermione in the hospital wing, but they won't let them.
Speaker B:They're.
Speaker B:They're trying to keep everybody out because now they're thinking whoever it is might come back to try to finish people off.
Speaker B:So they're like, they're on lockdown.
Speaker B:Everything's on lockdown.
Speaker B:Harry Potter doesn't understand Dumbledore's message.
Speaker B:He's like, I don't know what that means, but I do know what follow the spiders mean.
Speaker B:So let's just work on Hagrid's message for now.
Speaker B:So him and Rod have been trying to look out for spiders, but at this point, most of the spiders have left.
Speaker B:It's been months and months of the spiders, like, departing and, and they're escorted everywhere by all the teachers.
Speaker B:So it's hard to like, look because then the teacher's like, what the hell you doing?
Speaker B:Let's go.
Speaker B:So it's been kind of hard to figure things out.
Speaker B:Now we get to classes and we have Gilderoy lock.
Speaker B:Oh, one thing.
Speaker B:And the only person happy right now, everyone else is scared and, and thinking they're all going to die.
Speaker B:Except for Draco.
Speaker B:Draco is being his little shitty self.
Speaker B:He's talking about all the Mud Bloods and how they should probably just leave.
Speaker B:And I can't wait.
Speaker B:Too bad Granger didn't die.
Speaker B:Blah, blah, blah.
Speaker B:Just running off at the mouse and.
Speaker A:And why has nobody told this kid that?
Speaker A:Just lets this kid talk like this.
Speaker B:Let him run crazy.
Speaker B:I don't.
Speaker B:Maybe because his dad is on the board of governors.
Speaker B:I don't know.
Speaker B:But someone should have popped him in the mouth.
Speaker B:And Ron tried, but Dean Thomas, our boy, Dean Thomas and Harry had to hold him back when he said a thing about Hermione.
Speaker B:But they probably should have just let him go ahead and do it anyways.
Speaker C:Malfoy talks like somebody that's never been hit in the mouth before, right?
Speaker B:Someone just needs quick street justice.
Speaker D:Hermione pops the next one.
Speaker A:But we see right here, though, these Weasleys are ready to fight at all times.
Speaker B:Weasley's got hands.
Speaker B:And you don't have to say nothing to get them to throw down.
Speaker A:Drop of a hat, I'm ready to go.
Speaker B:Like, let's go.
Speaker B:Yep.
Speaker B:So the good news is Ernie McMillan has come up and apologized to Harry for accusing him.
Speaker B:Because he's like.
Speaker B:And he had already kind of calmed down anyway, but he's like, I knew you would never do that to Hermione, so I know that makes sense.
Speaker B:That's right.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:And so Peeves has calmed down, too.
Speaker B:But Ernie's like, damn, But Draco, what the.
Speaker B:It's probably him.
Speaker B:And here.
Speaker B:Okay, here I want to discuss.
Speaker B:Harry shuts that down real quick.
Speaker B:He's like, do you think he's Air Slytherin?
Speaker B:Harry says no.
Speaker B:And at first I just thought he just said no because he knew for a fact it wasn't Draco.
Speaker B:But now I'm thinking he'd shut it down so quick because if.
Speaker B:If a rumor started that Draco was the Heir of Slytherin, Draco would love that.
Speaker B:And he's not.
Speaker B:He's like, I ain't trying to give no juice to him.
Speaker B:Draco would be like, yeah, I'm the Heir of Slytherin.
Speaker B:Yeah, you think that.
Speaker B:And so he's like, nah, it's not him to shut that down real quick.
Speaker A:I think, though, he shut it down because unfortunately, it is not.
Speaker A:I happen to know for a fact it's not Draco.
Speaker A:Unfortunately.
Speaker A:But if I didn't know.
Speaker A:Ernie, me and you two peas in a pod.
Speaker A:Let's investigate.
Speaker A:Welcome to our trio.
Speaker A:Hermione's missing.
Speaker B:Now we're a quad.
Speaker C:Knowing how Harry investigates when he says, we think it's Draco, I'm surprised Harry wasn't like, you know, we ruled him out initially, but maybe it was him.
Speaker D:Is Harry Freddy from Scooby Doo always with the wrong suspect?
Speaker D:Could be.
Speaker B:Oh, my gosh.
Speaker B:Crazy.
Speaker B:So they're in herbology at this point, and as they're there, Harry notices some spiders scurrying away.
Speaker B:He gets Ron's attention, and they clock the spiders.
Speaker B:And they see the spiders are heading toward the Forbidden Forest.
Speaker B:Ron immediately is like, oh, no, no, I don't want to go to Forbidden.
Speaker B:Harry's like, dude, we gotta.
Speaker B:We gotta take care of this.
Speaker B:We gotta go talk.
Speaker B:Follow the spiders like Hagrid said.
Speaker B:And that's where they're going.
Speaker B:So he's like, hey, we gotta make our plan to go.
Speaker B:They head to their Defense against the Dark Arts class.
Speaker B:And Gilderoy Lockhart.
Speaker B:Oh, my God, he's another one that Ron needs to go ahead and punch in the mouth.
Speaker B:He is talk, taking all the personal credit, saying, oh, I knew it was Hagrid.
Speaker B:If it weren't for me.
Speaker B:And, like, obviously the guilty person's caught, so why is everyone looking so.
Speaker B:So sad and blah, blah, blah.
Speaker B:And this is where our boy, Dean Thomas, he's like, and what makes you think that?
Speaker B:He cuts him off real quick and comes to Hagrid's defense.
Speaker B:And so does Ron.
Speaker B:And Gilder was like, well, of course he, like, yeah, that happens.
Speaker B:Oh, of course I know, because I was there.
Speaker B:And Ron's about to be like, no, you don't.
Speaker B:But Harry has to remind him, hey, we weren't there.
Speaker B:We can't say we were there because we broke curfew.
Speaker B:So just shut your mouth, ignore him, because we know he's stupid.
Speaker B:But I appreciate that Dean was like, what?
Speaker B:You know about Hagrid.
Speaker B:You can't be saying that.
Speaker B:Appreciate you, Dean.
Speaker B:Good job.
Speaker B:So at this point, Harry's like, I'm tired of him.
Speaker B:I'm.
Speaker B:We got to get to the bottom of this.
Speaker B:We gotta go tonight.
Speaker B:And Ron looks over where, At Hermione's seat, where she should be.
Speaker B:He's like, all right, you're right.
Speaker B:You're right.
Speaker B:So they get the invisibility cloak, they sneak out.
Speaker B:They go and grab Fang to go with them.
Speaker B:Why they thought Fang would be useful, I don't know.
Speaker B:Fang wasn't much use last time.
Speaker B:And they head into the Forbidden Forest with Fang, and they go deep, deep.
Speaker B:They're trying to follow these spiders.
Speaker B:They go as deep as they've ever been.
Speaker B:They start hear something, like, following them, something big.
Speaker B:And they're like, oh, no.
Speaker B:What is it?
Speaker B:Turns out it was the car.
Speaker B:The car found them in the forest.
Speaker B:And we see the car has been living in the forest.
Speaker B:It's gone a little feral.
Speaker B:And it's.
Speaker B:It's actually happy to see them.
Speaker B:Which I'm surprised because the last time they were together, that car did not make it out too well.
Speaker A:The.
Speaker A:The fact, though, that Ron does not want to follow these spots.
Speaker A:I know he's afraid of spiders, right?
Speaker A:But the fact that, like, we have to, Ron, we have to do the investigating ourselves, okay?
Speaker A:Hermione's not here to figure this out for us, so we gotta get out here and do the work.
Speaker A:Once again, Ron proven useless and unreliable.
Speaker A:And this is only book two.
Speaker A:I got a lot of this.
Speaker A:Ron hate going through the rest of the way because he's trying to rest on the.
Speaker A:Remember that time I played chess?
Speaker A:We remember that, right?
Speaker A:All right, cool, cool, cool, cool.
Speaker A:Just want to make sure.
Speaker A:Just want to make sure everybody remember that.
Speaker A:And.
Speaker A:Oh, here's the car again.
Speaker A:Remember that time I got you out of that house and took you to school?
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:That was me.
Speaker A:That was me, though.
Speaker A:This is.
Speaker A:This Ron.
Speaker A:This Ron is trash.
Speaker A:Go ahead.
Speaker B:All right, so they see the car, they're like, oh, we're so happy.
Speaker B:You're great.
Speaker B:And it's, it's awesome.
Speaker B:But we're gonna keep going.
Speaker B:And when they're about to keep going deep into the forest, they get snatched up by some huge ass spiders and taken to their nest.
Speaker B:And once they get there, the spiders start click, click, clicking and speaking.
Speaker B:These spiders can talk and they say, aragog, Aragog, Aragog.
Speaker B:And out comes this truly massive blind spider.
Speaker B:And he talks to them and we learn.
Speaker B:This is the spider that Harry saw in the memory now grown all big and bad and bold.
Speaker B:And Hagrid is his friend.
Speaker B:He says that Hagrid was given his egg when and grew him up and kept him in the castle and that he is not the creature that's in the Chamber of Secrets.
Speaker B:In fact, he said it's in his nature to eat men, but if because Hagrid told him not to, he restrained himself.
Speaker B:So he particularly had a vegetarian diet while he was living in Hogwarts Quartz.
Speaker B:And he never left his cupboard that Hagrid kept him in because he likes it in cool, dark places.
Speaker B:We also learned that when he sensed that the creature was in the castle, he begged Hagrid to let him go because even he and his kind are afraid of whatever that creature is.
Speaker B:When they ask, what is the creature, things like, I ain't gonna say its name.
Speaker B:Not gonna do it.
Speaker B:Nope.
Speaker B:It's too scary.
Speaker B:Even though I'm the big ass spider out in the middle of Forbidden Forest, I'm still not going to tell you.
Speaker B:And I never told Haggard, even though he asked me over and over and over.
Speaker B:But the truth is, Hagrid is innocent.
Speaker B:He did not kill that girl.
Speaker B:The.
Speaker B:The spider says her body was found in a bathroom.
Speaker A:Come on, man.
Speaker B:50 years ago, there's a girl in.
Speaker A:The bathroom that we ain't never asked no questions.
Speaker A:What is wrong with us.
Speaker B:Yep.
Speaker B:And then he was accused and Hagrid defended him and he ended up expelled because of it.
Speaker B:He's like, hagrid's my guy.
Speaker B:He's a great man.
Speaker B:I love him.
Speaker B:He even got me my wife.
Speaker B:Look at how well we're doing.
Speaker B:They're in a.
Speaker B:A nest filled with millions of bajillions of spiders.
Speaker B:Like, he's like, it wasn't Hagrid.
Speaker B:Never Hagrid.
Speaker B:And I didn't eat none of y'all while I was in there.
Speaker B:However, since you walked in to this nest, I'm.
Speaker B:I can't let you walk out because my family's hungry.
Speaker B:You see how many of us there are.
Speaker B:He's like, they don't eat Hagrid because that's my guy.
Speaker B:But I don't know you like that.
Speaker B:So bye.
Speaker B:Peace out.
Speaker B:And the spiders start trying to eat.
Speaker A:Them, and they start descending from the moment that they arrive.
Speaker B:Yep.
Speaker A:Look in there.
Speaker B:Like, yeah, you go ahead and talk.
Speaker B:Go ahead and talk to big grandpapa, and we're gonna.
Speaker B:We're gonna move on down.
Speaker A:The fact that this spider can talk and speaks English is wild to me.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:Like, yeah.
Speaker B:What language should he speak?
Speaker A:He shouldn't speak any language.
Speaker A:He's a spider.
Speaker B:He's a spider.
Speaker B:Spiders don't have vocal cords.
Speaker A:Like, spy.
Speaker A:Like.
Speaker A:Like centaurs.
Speaker A:Make sense.
Speaker A:They're like half people.
Speaker B:They're half human.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker A:The spider is talking to them.
Speaker A:And then first off, the spider went, oh, God.
Speaker A:Who taught him English?
Speaker B:Erica?
Speaker B:Hagrid.
Speaker D:Hagrid.
Speaker A:So Hagrid.
Speaker A:So, okay, so Hagrid.
Speaker A:We've seen Hagrid.
Speaker A:Can't really.
Speaker A:Not really that great of a teacher.
Speaker A:How did he teach a spider how to speak?
Speaker B:I'm gonna push back.
Speaker B:Hagrid's not a bad teacher.
Speaker B:He doesn't have boundaries.
Speaker B:And we've seen clearly he can teach because he taught our Aragog a whole damn language, even though he lived in the middle of a forest.
Speaker C:Like, and it's not like Aragog has to be able to read and write.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker A:He just has to be able to speak.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:And he does pretty damn well.
Speaker B:He told a whole story and everything.
Speaker A:Told a whole story.
Speaker A:He was able to explain everything that happened.
Speaker B:They should have talked to Hagrid in the first place.
Speaker B:And the hagar would have taken them there and got them back out safely, but they didn't.
Speaker B:And you see what happens.
Speaker B:You almost got killed.
Speaker A:How did Ron not himself?
Speaker A:You know what I'm saying?
Speaker B:Like, oh, it seemed like he probably might have.
Speaker B:They just didn't want to mention it.
Speaker B:They're trying to save his.
Speaker A:I'm already terrified of these spiders.
Speaker A:And then this one started talking, and this one's huge.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:Nah.
Speaker A:Fainted.
Speaker A:He should just faint it.
Speaker A:He should have fainted.
Speaker A:I don't know how he did.
Speaker B:He was too afraid.
Speaker B:He's like, I can't faint because I gotta keep my eyes on all these mofos.
Speaker B:Like, I.
Speaker A:There's too many eyes on him.
Speaker B:There's too many like 8 times 8 times 8 times 8.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:So the spiders go try to eat them.
Speaker B:And Harry's like, all right, okay, this is it.
Speaker B:But I ain't going down without a fight.
Speaker B:So he pulls out his wand, he's like, let's go.
Speaker B:And right at that moment, the car comes through, rescues them and gets them out and drops them off at the edge of the forest.
Speaker B:Note the car didn't stay with them though.
Speaker B:He's like, get out.
Speaker B:Peace out.
Speaker B:I, I, I got you.
Speaker B:But like now I'm done with you.
Speaker B:Car leaves him.
Speaker B:Fang immediately goes running back to Hagrid's hut.
Speaker B:Cuz Fang is crazy.
Speaker B:This whole time Ron's been like in shock.
Speaker B:He's been like not talking.
Speaker B:They finally talk and Ron's like big mad at Hagrid, like, what the hell?
Speaker B:This is Private's problem.
Speaker B:He thinks every monster is some cute little creature that needs to be saved.
Speaker B:He almost got us killed.
Speaker B:What the hell was he thinking?
Speaker B:And Harry's like, I don't think he thought Aragog would eat us.
Speaker B:He's like, that's his problem.
Speaker B:He thinks everything's nice.
Speaker C:I mean, Ron did get bit by a dragon the previous year because of Hagrid.
Speaker B:That's true, that's true.
Speaker B:Ron, Ron, ron took some Ls here.
Speaker B:So they go back.
Speaker A:Else.
Speaker B:They go back up to the dorm.
Speaker B:Ron collapses on the bed and Harry's like mulling over everything they've learned from Aragog.
Speaker B:And he finally cuts on the one detail that the rest of us were like, duh.
Speaker B:He's like, the girl who died was in a bathroom.
Speaker B:What if she never left?
Speaker B:And Ron's like, oh, you think it's morning Myrtle.
Speaker B:And that's the end of chapter 15.
Speaker A:How, how are we just now getting to this?
Speaker A:We should.
Speaker A:When there was a girl in the bathroom to begin with, we should have been talking to her.
Speaker D:Maybe because all the ghosts are so old they thought she may have been really old too.
Speaker B:They KNEW it was 50 years ago though.
Speaker B:I believe like very early on they were talking about, oh yeah, 50 years ago I died or something.
Speaker B:Like, I feel like they, they mentioned.
Speaker A:That I'm in a castle full of ghosts.
Speaker A:I'm asking every one of them, how did you die?
Speaker A:If you don't mind me telling me.
Speaker A:If you don't mind telling me.
Speaker B:Yeah, I'm in a bathroom with a ghost for a month making a potion.
Speaker B:I asked, hey, how you doing today?
Speaker B:What's up what's just hanging out?
Speaker A:We're just sitting around here.
Speaker A:Yeah, we're just sitting around.
Speaker A:So by the way, how'd you get here?
Speaker A:Hermione didn't ask while she was brewing the.
Speaker A:She was brewing.
Speaker D:Oh, by the way, we've already established that you two ask very personal questions, so.
Speaker A:She's dead.
Speaker A:What's she gonna do?
Speaker B:That's how you get to know somebody.
Speaker B:Yeah, you're gonna get to know somebody if you don't ask them damn questions.
Speaker A:They get close and we're here anyway, so how did you get here, Myrtle?
Speaker B:Myrtle, tell us about your life.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker A:These are questions they should have been asked.
Speaker A:This girl, she is obviously craving attention.
Speaker C:We don't know though if they did ask him and she just burst into tears because that's what she does.
Speaker C:Somebody talked to me and then starts crying.
Speaker B:Except as you know, when she thought they threw the journal at at her, she talked to them.
Speaker B:She was crying already.
Speaker B:And they went and said what's up, Myrtle?
Speaker B:And she talked to them like she's used enough to them to say something and when they go back and eventually.
Speaker B:Which we'll get to that in our next episode, talk to her.
Speaker B:She don't cry.
Speaker B:She goes, oh, oh, you're asking.
Speaker B:Oh, I'm so happy someone actually asks me a question about myself and gives a about me.
Speaker B:Oh great.
Speaker B:Like this should have been resolved a lot quicker.
Speaker A:Ah, man.
Speaker A:So we got through these chapters.
Speaker A:Let's find some justice in this section and I think it is time for us to revisit the justice deserved for Hagrid.
Speaker A:Hagrid is accused of this crime in the memories of Tom M.
Speaker A:Riddle.
Speaker A:He is the one that has been stated as the releaser of whatever it is that is killing.
Speaker A:These are petrifying these students here at Hogwarts until one of them was killed Being as we suspect, Moaning Myrtle.
Speaker A:But as we know, he didn't do it.
Speaker A:He had a spider.
Speaker A:Large spider that was keeping in a cupboard.
Speaker C:Yep.
Speaker A:His whole time.
Speaker B:The air Slytherin wouldn't be a spider.
Speaker B:Like the fact that they don't assume it's a snake doesn't make sense to me.
Speaker A:Why has this not been brought up?
Speaker C:Well, I don't think anybody ever saw Hagrid's creature.
Speaker C:I think that they just knew he had one and then it went running.
Speaker B:Well, Tom saw it, right?
Speaker B:Because the thing knocked him over.
Speaker B:So why wouldn't he say, oh yeah, Hagrid had a big ass spider and it ate people?
Speaker A:Well, it's a frame job, Thomas just.
Speaker D:Looking for a catsy.
Speaker D:So true, true, true.
Speaker A:But Dumbledore is well aware that some shit's going down.
Speaker A:Why has Dumbledore not cleared Hagrid's name in all these years?
Speaker B:He had 50 years to clear it up and did not do it.
Speaker B:And he could have reinstated Hagrid.
Speaker B:So you let him be expelled?
Speaker B:He can't continue his education.
Speaker B:He can't really use his wand.
Speaker B:It's broken.
Speaker B:And he has to carry it around in a pink umbrella and ask permission every time he want to use it.
Speaker B:You could have reinstated him.
Speaker B:Let him finish his education.
Speaker B:Let him have choices in the type of job he wants to have, and you just left him there to rock.
Speaker A:In addition, why doesn't Dumbledore put his foot down when Fudge comes to remove the man from his home?
Speaker B:Because Dumbledore sucks.
Speaker B:But I also think.
Speaker B:But also, like, Dumbledore clearly knows that Ron, Harry and Hermione are on this case and he wants to allow them.
Speaker B:Just like he let Harry walk into Death Trap in the first book.
Speaker B:Like, he's like, oh, you guys got it.
Speaker B:Great, go ahead.
Speaker B:And I'm just gonna, like, give you the impetus you need to keep going by removing Hagrid because that'll piss you off.
Speaker B:Like, I really do think he's like, all right, sure, whatever.
Speaker C:Yeah, I feel like Dumbledore especially, like, with Harry, but he does this a lot.
Speaker C:It's just like, I'm going to take away your toys until you figure it out.
Speaker C:And unfortunately, Hagrid is a toy.
Speaker A:That's why the man needs justice.
Speaker C:50 years, nobody bothered to investigate if you were wrongfully accused.
Speaker C:They let you out, but they never tried to figure out who actually did it.
Speaker C:So this cold case just sat there.
Speaker C:And then now, 50 years later, you're like.
Speaker C:Like, oh, well, it's happening again.
Speaker C:So we haven't thought of anything else.
Speaker C:We're just gonna take you again.
Speaker A:Yeah, we're coming down here to make the arrest 50 years later.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker B:And.
Speaker B:And like I said, Fudge is only there to save face.
Speaker B:He doesn't even really care about getting to the bottom of it because he's expecting Dumbledore to do it.
Speaker B:Which is why when Lucius goes, all right, Dumbledore, you gotta leave, too.
Speaker B:Fudge is like, wait, wait, wait.
Speaker B:Who's gonna take care of this if Dumbledore's not there?
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker C:Yeah, Because Fudge doesn't know that.
Speaker C:Hermione is the one that does most of the work around there, definitely.
Speaker B:But if he knew that and knew that she was Petrified, he'd still be scared.
Speaker B:He'd be like, damn, Hermione's not on it now.
Speaker B:Dang, what are we gonna do?
Speaker D:So do we think that Hagrid is an easy target?
Speaker D:Because just like in the first book, you know, he's, he's, he's othered, right?
Speaker D:He's half giant, he's a little slow, he's, you know, differently looking at everybody else.
Speaker D:So he's just an easy target and scapegoat.
Speaker B:And, and he wouldn't, he won't defend himself because to defend himself means to betray Aragog.
Speaker B:And if they know there's a big ass giant spider living in the Forbidden Forest, they're gonna go after it next.
Speaker B:So he would never defend himself or, or say anything that would expose him.
Speaker C:The thing is, is Aragog is so deep in the forest, I don't think anybody would actually go after him.
Speaker B:But Hagrid believes they would because they, because they thought he was the, the beast in the chamber.
Speaker B:So now people are in panicking, they're accusing everybody.
Speaker B:Harry Potter even got accused.
Speaker B:So if, you know there's a big spider that, you know, eats men, which Aragog admits, he's like, yeah, I usually like to eat dudes, but Harrigan said not to.
Speaker B:Like, that's your scapegoat.
Speaker B:Just like Hagrid's escape goat.
Speaker C:But it makes me wonder, like, how do you die when you look into the basilisk eyes?
Speaker C:Because if they know how Myrtle died, they would see the spider and be like, oh no, that wasn't it.
Speaker C:Like, do they not do autopsies?
Speaker B:Well, what, what sort of mark or, or evidence would be left behind by dying upon sight?
Speaker B:Like if, if Medusa turns you to stone, obviously you're turning some.
Speaker B:But like, what, what evidence would there be to show that she stared at?
Speaker B:Like, what, do her retinas get burned up?
Speaker B:Did her eyeballs melt?
Speaker B:Like, how would they know?
Speaker B:No.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker C:Does it work like Avada Cadaver, where you're perfectly healthy, you're just dead?
Speaker C:Like, that's my question.
Speaker B:Yeah, yeah, it seemed like she just dropped down dead, which is why she's a ghost, right?
Speaker B:She didn't even realize she was dead.
Speaker B:Yeah, yeah, just like Ben, he, he didn't realize he was it.
Speaker B:He got up and went to work.
Speaker C:But if she's a ghost, Nobody in those 15 years asked her, what was the last thing you saw before you died?
Speaker B:Nobody goes into the bathroom because they hate her.
Speaker B:Which makes me think Nick had to invite her to his party.
Speaker B:So, like, he thought enough about her to invite her or.
Speaker B:And let's be honest, I'm sure he invited everybody to his party.
Speaker B:Let's be real.
Speaker B:He invited, like, liveies to his party.
Speaker B:But, like, she went, right?
Speaker B:She went.
Speaker B:So who?
Speaker B:Someone should have talked to her by now.
Speaker B:Like, it's just.
Speaker B:I don't know.
Speaker C:What I'm hearing is that Moaning Myrtle also needs justice.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker D:Nobody even cared enough to figure out who.
Speaker B:And they knew she was the ghost who just died.
Speaker B:Why wouldn't you go to her and be like.
Speaker B:Especially because she's upset about it.
Speaker B:Well, damn it must have been a traumatic death.
Speaker B:Myrtle, what happened?
Speaker B:Like, they didn't even ask her.
Speaker D:That's a fair point.
Speaker D:And she died on the grounds of Hal Gord.
Speaker D:She think there would have been, like, a huge investigation and asking her, hey, what did you.
Speaker D:You know what?
Speaker B:That's.
Speaker D:That's a good point.
Speaker C:If they're ready to close down the school because a student died on the premises, and then they're just convinced that they took care of it by getting rid of Hagrid by expelling him from the school, don't you think that maybe you interview the ghost?
Speaker B:I mean, that's an eyewitness, like, literally.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker D:Do you become a ghost right away?
Speaker D:Is there, like, a holding pattern?
Speaker A:You become a ghost immediately.
Speaker A:Ben's dies, wakes up the next day.
Speaker B:Gets to work and got up and went to.
Speaker D:And she immediately went back to the bathroom.
Speaker B:She stayed in the bathroom.
Speaker B:She just never left the bathroom.
Speaker B:But I also get the impression from the memory that the old.
Speaker B:The old Hogwarts headmaster is similar to Cornelius in the, you know, political expediency.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker B:We figure something out.
Speaker B:We.
Speaker B:We pinned it on somebody.
Speaker B:It's done with.
Speaker B:That's all I need.
Speaker B:And, like, for him, that's all needed to happen, and there was no reason to take it any further.
Speaker D:So do we feel like, how we would have a case to, like, sue the Ministry of Magic for, like, pain and suffering.
Speaker B:Ptsd, it'd be called.
Speaker B:It'd be called Hagrid Warts after I was done with them.
Speaker A:So who deserves more justice, Myrtle or Hagrid?
Speaker B:I think they equally.
Speaker B:I think the same event ruined both of their lives and afterlives.
Speaker B:Like, they both deserve justice this.
Speaker A:Well.
Speaker D:And there's something to be said for not caring about the voice of a young woman.
Speaker A:There's something there.
Speaker A:But Hagrid is a half giant, and they don't care about his voice either.
Speaker B:And Myrtle is a Muggle born.
Speaker B:And, like, I said there's.
Speaker B:You can think.
Speaker B:See where they were in that time period between Pure Bloods, Muggle Borns or whatever.
Speaker B:It's the fact that he even acts.
Speaker B:Ask the question, oh, are you Muggleborn?
Speaker B:Are you a half blood?
Speaker B:What are you like?
Speaker B:They don't ask that question in Hogwarts now.
Speaker B:People offer it, but they don't ask.
Speaker B:So she's a Muggle born, right?
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker C:The blood status mattered then.
Speaker A:So there's one, one other group that I think deserves a little bit of justice.
Speaker A:Dwarfs, Dwarves are mentioned only here and never again.
Speaker A:And they're used as a gimmick by Gilderoy Lockhart.
Speaker A:And they are not happy about it yet.
Speaker A:JK never writes about them again.
Speaker A:Pretty disappointing for that.
Speaker A:But that did happen, so there's not really much to get into.
Speaker A:I just don't know why she doesn't use them ever again in the series.
Speaker A:And the only time that they're here, there's definitely animosity between them and Gilderoy Lockhart because he has them in there as dressed as cupids delivering Valentine's, which is.
Speaker D:I wonder how he wrangled that problematic money.
Speaker C:They took the job.
Speaker C:Probably put it on whatever wizard Craigslist there is and they took it.
Speaker C:They can't be in there mad now because.
Speaker B:Check clears.
Speaker B:Hey, somebody I don't know that he.
Speaker A:Hired them or just kidnapped them.
Speaker A:I'm not really sure with Gilderoy.
Speaker B:Gilderoy can't kidnap.
Speaker B:He hired them on somebody.
Speaker D:He had some dirt on their leader and the leader was like, y'all gotta go do this.
Speaker D:And they were like, this is some.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker B:That sounds closer than him kidnapping something.
Speaker B:He can't kidnap nobody.
Speaker D:Yeah.
Speaker D:That whipped his ass.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:You saw how they tackled Harry like that dwarf strength.
Speaker A:The.
Speaker A:The Hagrid, I feel like, deserves a lot of justice.
Speaker A:You guys are right.
Speaker A:Moaning Myrtle does as well.
Speaker A:I have been shouting that they should have been and asked her some questions.
Speaker A:The fact that they didn't get around to it by now is ridiculous.
Speaker A:And that is probably my biggest.
Speaker A:The biggest.
Speaker A:The biggest fumble by Hermione in the series is just never asking to begin with.
Speaker A:But now we're gonna leave it up to you guys.
Speaker A:Who deserves more justice for this section?
Speaker A:Is it Myrtle or is it Hagrid?
Speaker A:Let us know on social media.
Speaker A:Please let us know on Twitter or Instagram, at Justiceford on our Facebook page and we'll announce the results on a future show when we wrap all this up.
Speaker A:This is.
Speaker A:This has been enlightening because you're right.
Speaker A:Myrtle has had some plights here, but Hagrid has been falsely accused for 50 plus years of this terrible thing.
Speaker A:I don't know why he didn't bring anyone to Aragog and be like, aragog, don't kill this guy, but it's gonna clear my name.
Speaker A:That's what we're looking to do.
Speaker A:Because, true, he has been accused for all these centuries.
Speaker C:Yep.
Speaker B:And.
Speaker B:And punished this whole time.
Speaker B:Like he didn't go to prison, but like he's been stripped of his abilities.
Speaker B:Full functioning wizard.
Speaker A:Right.
Speaker A:For all these decades.
Speaker A:I said centuries.
Speaker A:All these decades.
Speaker A:It's been a terrible situation for him and Myrtle.
Speaker A:Nobody goes to her bathroom.
Speaker A:No one just asked the girl what's going on?
Speaker B:No even says, hey, how you doing today?
Speaker B:Good morning.
Speaker B:What you doing, Myrtle?
Speaker B:Like, you know what?
Speaker D:Like, even the bloody Baron, like, isn't his job to be in charge of the ghosts?
Speaker D:Like, he didn't.
Speaker D:He didn't ask for, you know, How'd.
Speaker A:You get here, Myrtle?
Speaker A:None of that.
Speaker A:None of that.
Speaker A:So none of that.
Speaker A:Interesting case.
Speaker A:Let us know online who deserves more justice.
Speaker A:This next.
Speaker A:In two weeks, we will be wrapping up the book.
Speaker A:Guys, that's crazy.
Speaker B:We're almost there.
Speaker B:Almost there.
Speaker A:We are almost done with this book.
Speaker A:And then we're going to talk about it.
Speaker A:Because I'm still even reading this book again.
Speaker A:I'm really feeling like this book is a whole nothing burger.
Speaker A:And then she, like, figures out down the road how to pull it all together.
Speaker A:And that's how I'm feeling.
Speaker A:I'm just telling you how I'm feeling.
Speaker A:And so.
Speaker A:So we'll talk about it.
Speaker A:Because I've been reading this book again for I don't know how many times.
Speaker A:And it's always the same for me.
Speaker A:And it seems like a bunch of stuff that happens.
Speaker A:And later on, she's like, oh, yeah, that stuff that happened in the second book.
Speaker A:Let me tell you why it's important, by the way.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:So we're gonna check that out.
Speaker A:Thank you for joining us.
Speaker A:Remember, you can find CJ at Keyboard Sarcasm on all the social medias.
Speaker A:You can find Shantay at the Villain.
Speaker A:Shantay.
Speaker A:Natasha, where can they find you?
Speaker D:I am at Underscore, not Cole.
Speaker A:I thought I saw you had, like, a new one.
Speaker A:I wasn't sure.
Speaker A:I wasn't sure.
Speaker A:If you have like, a new one.
Speaker D:Next time I will have a new one.
Speaker A:Okay, cool.
Speaker A:I thought you.
Speaker A:Because I know you're joining that you can find me at KG Fury on all social medias.
Speaker A:Remember, at justice for DT pod.
Speaker A:Follow us.
Speaker A:Thank you for joining us.
Speaker A:Court is adjourned, y'all.
Speaker A:Good night.
Speaker B:Hi.
Speaker A:All right.